Sivuston pohjana on kaapista tongittuja vanhoja Pelitejä selattaessa syntynyt aatos: miksi maksaa viisisataa mummonmarkkaa tuoreista peleistä, kun viidellä eurolla pääsee kiinni toinen toistaan mahtavimpiin pelielämyksiin? Grafiikasta itkeminen ja polygonien laskeminen ei pirtaan kuulu, joten tekniikkarajoitteisuus ei pääse estämään laaja-alaista nautintoa.
Paitsi että minusta on kiva pelata, on idean taustalla suurempi kokonaisuus: harvalla meistä on mahdollisuutta nähdä ja kokea uuden taidemuodon synty - saati kerätä uuden taidemuodon kaikki oleelliset perusteokset omiin kokoelmiin. Pelien kohdalla tämä on kuitenkin vielä mahdollista. Haluan kerätä itselleni mahdollismman kattavan pelikirjaston, josta näkyy koko pelitaiteen kehittyminen varhaisista 8-bittisistä Nintendo-peleistä uusiin ihmeellisyyksiin.
Pääosin hankin pelini Huuto.netistä ja kirppiksiltä, mutta listalla olevia pelejä saa luonnollisesti myös tarjota minulle suoraan. Älkääkä yrittäkö vetää välistä, koronkiskurit ja bassi-basuukit, minulla on hyvä käsitys siitä, mitä mikin maksaa.
Omistamani pelit ja konsolit:
Beneath a Steel Sky
Dark Forces
Ghost Master
Half-Life: Source
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Episode OneHugo 3
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Operation Flashpoint GOTY Edition
Panzer Elite
Swat 3: Close Quarters Battle
Typing of the Dead
Ötökän Elämää
Steel Panthers: World at War
Atari 2600 (A2600)
Konsoli puuttuu
- E.T.
Commodore 64 (C64)
Kone löytyy, kunto vielä epäselvä
The Great Escape
Kikstart 2
Short Circuit
Superman the Game
Yie Ar Kung Fu
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Kolme ohjainta
Nes Advantage-ohjain
Blaster Master
Blue Shogun
Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers
Fester's Quest
Gum Shoe
Little Nemo Dream Master
Mega Man 4
Robo Warrior
Section Z
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros / Tetris / Nintendo World Cup
Super Mario Bros 3
Tale Spin
The Simpsons – Bart vs. The Space Mutants
Tiny Toon Adventures
Zelda II The Adventure of Link

Game Boy Pocket (GBP)
- Choplifter III
Super Nintendo (SNES)
Kaksi ohjainta
Asterix & Obelix
Cool Spot
Crash Dummies
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
First Samurai
Indycar Racing featuring Nigel Mansell
Jurassic Park
Mario Paint
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Sega Saturn (SS)
Alien Trilogy
Athlete Kings
Bug Too!
Command & Conquer
Daytona USA
Sega Rally Championship
Sonic 3D
Virtua Cop 2
Atari Jaguar (AJ)
Ultra Vortek
Playstation (PSOne)
Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas
Dino Crisis
Disneyn Tarzan
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Jersey Devil
Lego Rock Raiders
Lost World: Jurassic Park
Lucky Luke
Metal Gear Solid
Mickey's Wild Adventure
Moto Racer
NHL Breakaway 98
Rayman 2
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster and Beanstalk
Toca 2
Nintendo 64 (N64)
2 perusohjainta
1080 Snowboarding
Banjo Kazooie
Bomberman Hero
Buck Bumble
Donkey Kong 64
F1 World Grand Prix
Mario Party
Mission: Impossible
Nagano Winter Olympics 98
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Space Station Silicon Valley
Super Mario 64 (2 kpl)
Tigger's Honey Hunt
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey
Yoshi's Story
Gamecube (GC)
Doshin the Giant
Godzilla: Destroy all monsters
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Mario Party 4
Metroid Prime
Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Playstation 2 (PS2)
Kaksi ohjainta
Beneath a Steel Sky
Dark Forces
Ghost Master
Half-Life: Source
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Episode OneHugo 3
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Operation Flashpoint GOTY Edition
Panzer Elite
Swat 3: Close Quarters Battle
Typing of the Dead
Ötökän Elämää
Steel Panthers: World at War
Atari 2600 (A2600)
Konsoli puuttuu
- E.T.
Commodore 64 (C64)
Kone löytyy, kunto vielä epäselvä
The Great Escape
Kikstart 2
Short Circuit
Superman the Game
Yie Ar Kung Fu
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Kolme ohjainta
Nes Advantage-ohjain
Blaster Master
Blue Shogun
Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers
Fester's Quest
Gum Shoe
Little Nemo Dream Master
Mega Man 4
Robo Warrior
Section Z
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros / Tetris / Nintendo World Cup
Super Mario Bros 3
Tale Spin
The Simpsons – Bart vs. The Space Mutants
Tiny Toon Adventures
Zelda II The Adventure of Link
Game Boy Pocket (GBP)
- Choplifter III
Super Nintendo (SNES)
Kaksi ohjainta
Asterix & Obelix
Cool Spot
Crash Dummies
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
First Samurai
Indycar Racing featuring Nigel Mansell
Jurassic Park
Mario Paint
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Sega Saturn (SS)
Alien Trilogy
Athlete Kings
Bug Too!
Command & Conquer
Daytona USA
Sega Rally Championship
Sonic 3D
Virtua Cop 2
Atari Jaguar (AJ)
Ultra Vortek
Playstation (PSOne)
Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas
Dino Crisis
Disneyn Tarzan
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Jersey Devil
Lego Rock Raiders
Lost World: Jurassic Park
Lucky Luke
Metal Gear Solid
Mickey's Wild Adventure
Moto Racer
NHL Breakaway 98
Rayman 2
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster and Beanstalk
Toca 2
Nintendo 64 (N64)
2 perusohjainta
1080 Snowboarding
Banjo Kazooie
Bomberman Hero
Buck Bumble
Donkey Kong 64
F1 World Grand Prix
Mario Party
Mission: Impossible
Nagano Winter Olympics 98
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Space Station Silicon Valley
Super Mario 64 (2 kpl)
Tigger's Honey Hunt
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey
Yoshi's Story
Gamecube (GC)
Doshin the Giant
Godzilla: Destroy all monsters
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Mario Party 4
Metroid Prime
Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Playstation 2 (PS2)
Kaksi ohjainta
24: The Game
Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Bullworth Academy: Canis Canem Edit
Dance Factory (matto puuttuu)
Devil May Cry
24: The Game
Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Bullworth Academy: Canis Canem Edit
Dance Factory (matto puuttuu)
Devil May Cry
God of War
God of War II
Gran Turismo 4
Half-Life (ei toimi konsolissani)
Jak & Daxter
Lego Batman
The Matrix: Path of Neo
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc
Reservoir Dogs
Resident Evil - Codename Veronica X
Resident Evil 4
Sly 3
Super Bust-A-Move
Xbox (XB)
Neljä ohjainta
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Burnout Revenge
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Cold Fear
Doom 3
Far Cry Insticts Evolution
Freedom Fighters
The Godfather
Halo 2
Hitman: Contracts
Jade Empire
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Metal Slug 3
Midtown Madness 3
Operation Flashpoint
Pro Evolution Soccer 4
Project Snowblind
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War
Spartan: Total Warrior
Spiderman 2
The Suffering
Thief Deadly Shadows
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Tony Hawk's Underground
Vietcong: Purple Haze
Xbox360 (360)
Kaksi ohjainta
Afro Samurai
Army of Two: 40th Day
Assasin's Creed II
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins
The Club
Condemned 2
Dark Sector
Dead Rising
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Orange Box (HL2, Half-Life 2 Episode One , Half-Life 2 Episode Two , Portal)
Halo 3
Hour of Victory
Lego Indiana Jones
Left 4 Dead 2
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Mirror's Edge
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Naruto: Broken Bond
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Quake 2
Quake 4
The Simpsons Videogame
Soul Calibur IV
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Viking: Battle of Asgard
God of War
God of War II
Gran Turismo 4
Half-Life (ei toimi konsolissani)
Jak & Daxter
Lego Batman
The Matrix: Path of Neo
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc
Reservoir Dogs
Resident Evil - Codename Veronica X
Resident Evil 4
Sly 3
Super Bust-A-Move
Xbox (XB)
Neljä ohjainta
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Burnout Revenge
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Cold Fear
Doom 3
Far Cry Insticts Evolution
Freedom Fighters
The Godfather
Halo 2
Hitman: Contracts
Jade Empire
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Metal Slug 3
Midtown Madness 3
Operation Flashpoint
Pro Evolution Soccer 4
Project Snowblind
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War
Spartan: Total Warrior
Spiderman 2
The Suffering
Thief Deadly Shadows
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Tony Hawk's Underground
Vietcong: Purple Haze
Xbox360 (360)
Kaksi ohjainta
Afro Samurai
Army of Two: 40th Day
Assasin's Creed II
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins
The Club
Condemned 2
Dark Sector
Dead Rising
Dead Space
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Orange Box (HL2, Half-Life 2 Episode One , Half-Life 2 Episode Two , Portal)
Halo 3
Hour of Victory
Lego Indiana Jones
Left 4 Dead 2
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Mirror's Edge
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Naruto: Broken Bond
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Quake 2
Quake 4
The Simpsons Videogame
Soul Calibur IV
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Viking: Battle of Asgard
1942: Joint Strike
After Burner Climax
Battlefield 1943
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam
Boom Boom Rocket
Call of Duty Classic
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Left 4 Dead: Crash Course
Mega Man 9
Metal Slug 3
Rez HD
Scott Pilgrim the Game
Super Meat Boy
TMNT 1989 Arcade
Worms 2: Armageddon
Nintendo Wii (Wii)
Epic Mickey
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Red Steel
Red Steel 2
Wii Sports
Playstation 3 (PS3)
Guitar Hero 5
Need for Speed Pro Street
Red Dead Redemption
Singstar Suomipop
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Playstation Portable 3004 (PSP)
(konsoli mielikuvitusavovaimon omistama)
Final Fantasy Dissidia
FlatOut: Head On
Little Big Planet
Locoroco 2
Need for Speed Undercover
Prince of Persia Revelations
Ratchet & Clank Size Matters
Tekken 6
Tomb Raider Legend
Wipeout Pure
Pocket Ultimate Gamer (PUG)
Kiinalainen halpiskäsi"konsoli", sisältää 111 peliä, joista yhtäkään en kehtaa luetella tähän.
Pelilaitteet: 17 kpl
Pelit: 255 kpl